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kettlebell & Body Weight HIIT # 4

Updated: Jun 12, 2020


Perform each couplet 3 times for 40 seconds of work and 15 seconds rest, followed immediately by 1 minute of Core/abs work.

Rest 1-2 mins between rounds

Choose light/ moderate weight

Adjust work/rest ratio to suit your level of ability

A1. Alternating Single Arm- Gorilla row/Deadlift/Clean/Push/Press

A2. Rotational Drop Squats

Core/abs 1. Seated Figure 8’s - AMRAP 1 min

B1. Alternating- Russian Swing/Side Swing

B2. Kick-Up Toe-Touch

Core/abs 2. Corkscrew - AMRAP 1 min

C1. Alternating- clean-Reverse Lunge/clean/Step Thru Lunge

C2. Jump Twists

Core/abs 3. Hollow Rock - AMRAP 1 min

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